Booking process
Book your holiday in 3 short steps
- Step 1: Booking: There are several ways to make a reservation, either directly or through an intermediary (e-mail, website form, telephone conversation,…). If you want to choose Non-refundable rate, add this in e-mail message,
We offer you two ways of booking our capacity through our website. The first is via e-mail, whereby you send us an inquiry, and we provide you with an offer. The inquiry or our offer on their own are not considered a confirmed reservation, - Step 2: Booking in process: We provide you with an offer and all additional informations and sent it your e-mail. The inquiry or our offer on their own are not considered a confirmed reservation, as the essential condition for the validity of the application is your confirmation of the reservation with advance payment or payment of the guarantee for the confirmation of the offer. If we do not receive such confirmation, the reservation will be deemed to never have been made.
- Step 3: Reservation confirmed: Reservation is confirmed when we get pre-payment on our account. You will receive a pro forma invoice at the e-mail address once you have confirmed your order. The payment deadline and bank details are indicated in the confirmation letter.
Low season offer
-From 1.1.2022 til 19.06.2022 and from 01.09.2022 til 31.10.2022
-Minimum stays: 3.
- Free cancelation: til 14 days before arrival.
- Beddings and linen included
-Additional payment: Tourist tax and
Registration fee
High season offer
-From 20.06.2022 til 31.08.2022
-Minimum stays: 3.
- Free cancelation: til 14 days before arrival.
- Beddings and linen included
-Additional payment: Tourist tax and
Registration fee
Price list
Price List
Low Season
High Season
The price includes cleaning, and the use of bedding and towels.
Tourist tax 1.80 EUR / person / night
Registration fee 1.30 EUR / person
VAT is not included in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 94 of the VAT Act.
Within 10 days the deposit of 30% of the total amount is to be paid, the balance is due at the latest 14 days before the start of the holiday. If we do not receive a deposit or final payment, we reserve the right to cancel the booking for a fee based on the cancellation conditions.
For short-term bookings the total amount is to be paid immediately after the rental sent.
Reservation is confirmed when we get pre-payment on our account.
RESCISSION OF THE LESSOR: If the rental object is not available without the landlord‘s fault, for whatever reason (average, storm damage, fault of the previous tenant, etc.), the landlord is entitled to provide a replacement rental object of the same size at the agreed rent and time or to rescind the concluded rental contract. In this case, all advance payments and deposits would be refunded by the lessor. However, the tenant may not make any claims for damages against the landlord.
The guest has the right to cancel the reservation under the terms and conditions of the confirmation letter. The cancellation must be sent in writing or by e-mail by the deadline specified in the confirmation letter.
The following cancellation rates apply:
- No show on the day of arrival: 100% of the rental
- Cancellation up to 15 days before the start of the rental period: free cancelation
- Cancellation from the 14th day before the start of the rental period: 100% of the rental
By paying the pro forma invoice a customer accepts the General terms and conditions.